Students at Saint Paul School benefit daily from our excellent programs in core academics, religion, world language, fitness, and the arts; however, we believe and are committed to the education of the whole child and so need to provide a wide range of activities and opportunities for children to develop the unique talents and gifts that God has given them. Only then can we fulfill our mission to spread our faith and message of service to others through our example and the good works of our school family.
The activities described here are only a sample of the ongoing ventures of our students and staff. Almost every day a new idea is born and a new initiative is begun that stretches the imagination and creativity of our students at all grade levels and deepens their understanding of their responsibility to one another, to their community, and to their world. In the future, we need to continue to provide a comprehensive extra-curricular and enrichment program including family and consumer sciences, technology, global language, and experiences in the fine arts to help all of our students develop the skills and knowledge they will need to meet their spiritual and life-long goals.