Hello Parents,
Happy Sunday! We have a five day school week ahead of us, somewhat of a rarity. Tomorrow we honor all veterans, all the women and men who have defended our freedoms, many of who have given up their lives for us. We will have a Veterans' Day assembly in the gym. Thank you to all the women and men who have protected us over the years.
In Religion 6 this week we hope to finish our movie aboiut Noah and the Ark tomorrow, and have a test on the movie. From there we will discuss faith and trust and move on to Abraham and Sarah who trusted God big time. We also are memorizing the six holy days of obligation and the dates for each. We will have a quiz on that on Tuesday November 19.
In Religion 7 we will draw some more religious habits, the distinctive garb worn by Franciscans, Dominicns, Carmelites, Missionaries of Charity, and the SIsters of LIfe. On Wednesday we have a test on all the sacred vessels that we drew and defined. After that we will hopefully visit with Fr. Martin in church where he will show us the sacred vestments and the holy books, In Geography 7 we are exploring agriculture in America, next on to videos that show the different farming technology used on a small farm in Vermont, a cattle ranch in Texas, and a huge wheat farm in Montana.. On Friday we have our test on the 25 western states and the correct spelling of each one.
In Religion 8 we will explain and refute heresies in the early Church, and then list and analyze modern heresies in 2024. Then we will go through the Nicene Creed and analyze each item of faith. This will bring us to a test on the creed on Friday. In History 8 we will read several editorials on Tuesday, and then write our own editorials about sweatshops in the 1880s. Eventually we will draw a tenement neighborhood in New Brfitain in the 1890s and list all the challenges that it presented to those who lived there.
Travel Faire 10 interesting facts are due on December 4
Community service forms are due to be handed in to Mr. Grant by May 1.
I will be checking notebooks for grades 6 and 7 this week. If Eliamo has his table of contents on page one, all the pages numbered and in order, and if his correct style notebook is reasonably neat, he will get a test grade of 100.
The marking period ends on November 27. Several of my students have very low averages because of low test scores. Although I am not in the habit of allowing tests to be retaken, I am allowing that to happen this marking period. You know your child. If there is any possibility that s/he may have a low grade, please look at her/his grade average on the gradebook portal, and encourage her/him to speak with me tomorrow, Monday, to arrange a retake. We do not want anybody to get an F on the report card.
Please continue to pray for Fr. Joe and the friars. Thank you!
Mr. Grant