Math Place value to hundred thousands Addition up to 4 digits Subtraction with regrouping Multiplication concepts and facts Division concepts and facts Measurement and time Geometry Fractions
Writing Students will write from a variety of prompts and will work on pre-writing, rough drafts, revising, editing, and publishing.
Handwriting Proper letter formation for printing and cursive
Grammar Capitalization and punctuation
Types of sentences
Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
Verb tenses (past, present, future)
Subject/verb agreement
Reading Character, setting, problem, and solution Summarizing beginning, middle, and end Main idea and details Discovering new reading strategies Point of view Vocabulary Make predictions and confirm them
Social Studies Communities Citizenship and government American culture Our nation's history
Science Students will explore the Solar System, investigate elements and compounds, observe physical changes, investigate changes in our atmosphere, explore Earth's structure, examine the structure and function of seed plants, and investigate amphibians and reptiles.
Religion Students will be preparing to make their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Students will continue to learn about Jesus's teachings.