Monday, 13th
Be on the look out for important flyers that went home today about activities happening at our school.* We would appreciate donations of paper towels and baby wipes. Thank you in advance.
Monday, 6th
Happy Three King's Day!Thursday, January 2nd
Welcome back and Happy New Year!Half Day All School Dismissal 12:20 PM
December 16thThursday, 12th Christmas Concert 8:45AM - Dress in Festive Attire
Friday, 13th PJ Day for CCMC Kids with donationMonday, December 2nd
I trust you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The kiddos were super excited sharing about Advent Calendars, Elves and fun from the long weekend. Feel free to share from your weekend if you have not already.
* Today we learned what happened on the first Christmas: Who told Mary and Joseph they were going to have a baby and name him Jesus? (Angel Gabriel) How did Mary and Joseph get to Bethlehem? ( on a donkey) Where was Jesus born? (in a dusty, old barn/stable) Who came to visit him? (shepherds and Wise Men/ Three Kings) What else can you tell me?